We wish two of our PostDocs well, now they're embarking upon the next steps in their career. Martin King is starting with a DFG Eigene Stelle project—Deep Learning in Particle Physics: A Philosophical Analysis—at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (LMU). Niels Martens is now a Marie Curie Fellow at the University of Utrecht (Freudenthal Institute & Descartes Center) with a project on the philosophy of dark energy, and will be a PostDoc at Harvard's Black Hole Initiative from Sept 2023, working on the philosophy of black holes and the social epistemology & governance structure of the Next Generation Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration. He will remain an associate member of the Lichtenberg Group in light of the Bonn/St. Andrews Network "The Gravitational Constant 1890-1915 – From the Local to the Universal".